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  • Bard Burns $100,000,000,000 🔥

Bard Burns $100,000,000,000 🔥

$100 Million AI + Blockchain Fund


Welcome back to Soda Road. The only AI newsletter that’s 45% AI, 27% finance, 69% memes, and 100% bad at math.

  • 1: Google’s Tweet Costs Them $100 Billion.

  • 2: $100 Million AI + Blockchain Fund — Applications Open Now!

  • 3: Not Financial Advice. Seriously, it’s not financial advice. Just some AI stocks and crypto to watch ;)



Remember in our last newsletter where we introduced Google’s new AI search tool, Bard? We said “Hopefully the AI isn’t as bad as its name”. Oh boy was it bad!

Google released a video demo of Bard on Twitter where they asked Bard “What discoveries can I tell my 9 year old?”. What started as an innocent question to showcase Bard’s unmatched capabilities resulted in Google shares dropping nearly 8% and wiping $100 billion from their market cap.

See if you can spot this costly mistake. Is it:

A) The user interface is not accessible for those with 2 left feet.B) The output from Bard is utterly useless because 9 year olds only care about TikTok.C) The JWST didn’t take the first pictures of a planet outside of our solar system. As confirmed by NASA.

That’s right. NASA called out Bard’s misinformation and singlehandedly wiped out $100 billion from Google's market cap. Better fact-check yourself next time Google.



Tron, the company known for their smart contracts and blockchain has set up a $100 million fund to support AI startups developing on the Tron blockchain.

Startups working on front-end or back-end applications using Tron are all qualified to apply. However, there are 4 main areas of focus:

  1. AI services payments

  2. AI oracle (integrating Tron infrastructure with AI)

  3. AI investment management

  4. Generative AI

Little information about this fund has been published, which means more money for you or a loved one!

Applications are submitted through the latest form technology, leveraging the powers of AI, blockchain, and Zeus on steroids: Google Forms. Seriously. It’s a Google Form with like 5 questions. For a $100 million fund.

TL;DR: Submit a Google form and get a shit load of money.



This is a new segment where we do (not) give you financial advice. Here we’ll talk about stocks and crypto on our watchlist. Maybe we’ll even publicly display our wallet one day ;)

AI Stonks 🚀

MarketWatch did some digging and found 20 AI stocks that are expected to gain as much as 77% in the next 12 months. Assuming we aren’t overrun by AI overlords by then.

Here are a few that we’re tracking over the coming year:

  1. Amazon. Currently at a 93% buy rating and expected to gain 36% in the next year.

  2. CrowdStrike. Currently at a 89% buy rating and expected to gain 40% in the next year.

  3. Taiwan Semiconductor. Currently at a 90% buy rating and expected to gain 62% in the next year.

  4. Darktrace PLC. Currently at a 75% buy rating and expected to gain 77% in the next year.

AI Crypto Comes Back From The Dead 🧟

AI companies aren’t the only ones seeing insane 300%+ gains thanks to the ChatGPT wave. Our old friend, crypto, has seen some gains over the past few weeks. But mostly the AI related ones.

Singularity DAO: 104% 7 day gain. This DAO has an AI powered portfolio that auto-trades cryptocurrencies. Like the Citadel of crypto.

SingularityNET: 115% 7 day gain. Singularity is a marketplace where developers can sell AI services and charge the native token (AGIX) for use. Fun fact: Joe Rogan follows them on Twitter.

Vaiot: 48% 7 day gain. Vaiot uses IBM’s AI technology to create enterprise AI solutions for companies. Like chatbots, virtual assistants, or contract creation.



  • Ex Salesforce Co-CEO and an Ex Google Executive are creating an AI company together. They announced it in a wholesome post on LinkedIn, and it sounds strangely like an engagement announcement. No idea what they’re building, but here they go! Sip on it here.

  • Using AI to monitor and fix 3D printers. Could this be a huge step for industrial 3D printing? Sip on it here.

  • The YMCA is using AI to detect when people are drowning. Just wait until AI realizes the most efficient way to prevent drowning is to drain the pool. Sip on it here.

  • Researchers are using a Boston Dynamics robot dog to find victims in the aftermath of an earthquake. AI robots like this can help when devastating earthquakes hit, like the one that recently killed 21,000+ people. Sip on it here.

  • The Space industry has adopted AI to help with commercial and security. The AI helps to plan satellite operations and optimize resource usage. The new technology will be launched in 2023. Sip on it here.


That’s Everything

Send us cool AI stuff on Twitter. Until then ✌🏼


